IALA Visits London Headquarters

IALA Visits London Headquarters

It’s been a busy beginning of the year for IFAN as it started with a visit from Omar Erikkson, International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) Deputy Secretary-General and Dean of IALA World-Wide Academy, to IFAN’s Headquarters in London, for a meeting with CEO, Peter Stanley, and Development Manager, Francesca Pradelli.

IFAN’s CEO, governmental Peter Stanley said: “It was a pleasure to welcome Mr Erikkson to our head offices, where we had the chance to discuss many positive points regarding our common objectives of safeguarding life at sea and protecting the marine environment through Aids to Navigation. Our meeting was also the chance to congratulate IALA on its fast-moving march towards transition to an international organisation (IGO) status. Their good work in keeping the safety of navigation at the forefront is going from strength to strength, and we’re pleased to renew our support to the IALA World Wide Academy”.

“We are very happy that IALA has kindly offered to host our Board Meeting at its headquarters in France in March and visit their offices.”

Picture Left to Right: Francesca Pradelli, IFAN Development Manager, Omar Erikkson IALA Deputy Secretary-General & Dean of IALA World-Wide Academy and Peter Stanley IFAN CEO